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José Manuel Entrecanales Domecq

Chairman & CEO

“The mitigation of climate change is a strategic priority for us, which we will address with investment in new renewable energy capacity and  by building sustainable infrastructure for 21st century societies”

Jose Manuel Entrecanales has been Chairman and CEO of ACCIONA since 2004.

Mr Entrecanales is actively engaged in some of the leading public-private initiatives supporting sustainable development and the fight against climate change, including the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the World Economic Forum's CEO Climate Leadership Group, and the Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change of the University of Cambridge.  Within the United Nations’ framework, he is member of the advisory board for the “Sustainable Energy for All” initiative, co-chairing the renewable energy group, as well as a member of the UN Global Compact LEAD and Caring for Climate initiatives.

He is Chairman of the Fundación Consejo España EEUU and member of the Board of the Instituto de la Empresa Familiar (Spain’s leading organization for family-owned businesses, of which he was Chairman from 2012 to 2014).

He is a founding member of the Pro CNIC Foundation, the main public-private initiative for cardiovascular research in Spain, led by Dr Valentín Fuster. He is also a patron of the Princess of Asturias Foundation and the Prado Museum, and member of the Casa Ducal de Medinaceli Foundation.

Mr Entrecanales is Chairman of the José Manuel Entrecanales Foundation for Innovation in Sustainability and Chairman of the ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation.

In 1994 he participated in the launch of Airtel, a mobile telecommunications company that later became Vodafone Spain, of which he was President between 2001 and 2007. From 2007 to 2009 he served as Executive Chairman of Endesa. 

He is a member of the Boards of Directors of Global Lubbock, Lizard Global Investments, JME Venture Capital and Fomento para la Innovación y el Desarrollo Sostenible Tres.

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“The Paris climate agreements are being ratified in record time, indicating the importance of the fight against climate change in the global political agenda. At Acciona, we believe we can make a positive contribution to the global climate goals, and we will spare no effort in leading the transition to a low-carbon economy.”

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