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ACCIONA by the numbers

Revenues 5,977 Million euros

World Reference Company

ACCIONA has consolidated its position as a reference company, once again demonstrating their abilities in all the actions carried out in the five continents.

ebitda 1,192 Million euros
Net profit 352 Million euros
Team 32,835 Employees
CO2 14.8 Million tons of CO2
Innovation 193.9 Million euros
Present on 5 continents and in more than 40 countries
8,913 MW accumulated total

Equivalent to the consumption of

6,000,000 of households

5,500 km of roadways

Equivalent to the distance

between Madrid and Warsaw

772 Hm3 treated

Equivalent to

310,332 olympic swimming pools

Data from 2016 * Data from ninguno

Know more about us

The world’s first zero-emissions sled

The world’s first zero-emissions sled

One hundred years after the arrival of Amundsen and Scott at the South Pole, ACCIONA has launched an expedition on board a 100% eco-efficient sled .



ACCIONA we have created a "zero emissions sailboat" powered by 100% renewable energy, able to compete in November 2012 in the Vendée Globe 2012, the toughest race on the planet.

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